How to cancel your subscription
To cancel your subscription, please follow these steps; Go to the Web UI Click on "Profile" Select "Billing" Select "Manage subscription" Manage Subscription Cancel subscription cancel completed ( Policy
We're sorry to learn that you're experiencing dissatisfaction with our service. Our team is committed to providing the best possible experience, and we're here to assist you in resolving any issues you might be facing. We've noticed that some customers encounter difficulties when they haven't fully utilized all the features of our service or when there are challenges in constructing their prompts. We're eager to guide you through these aspects to ensure you get the most out of our service. PleFew readersHow does billing work
AskYourPDF offers three plans: Premium, Pro and Enterprise. See more details hereFew readersHow to link your Pro plugin to the new ChatGPT interface
As a valued paid user, you can now supercharge your ChatGPT-4 experience with the AskYourPDF Pro Plugin. If you've encountered any challenges using the Pro Plugin on ChatGPT-4, please follow these straightforward steps to seamlessly integrate the AskYourPDF Pro Plugin. From your ChatGPT-4 user interface. Select the Dropdown Choose Plugins Select the AskYourPDF Pro Plugin (Black Logo) Plugin ( readersHow can I buy credits?
Credit purchases are exclusively for the Summarisation Service, GPT4, and Claude 2. Other services do not require credits. A credit cost $ 0.1 The table below shows how credits are consumed per service To buy/top-up your credits, kindly follow the steps below. From the Web UI Click on "Summarisation" SeFew readersWhy do I need to buy additional credit?
The summarisation service, GPT4 and Claude 2, operate on a credit-based system; while initial credits are provided complimentary as part of your subscription, additional credits may need to be purchased once these are exhausted. Credit purchases are exclusively for the Summarisation Service, GPT4, and Claude 2. Other services do not require credits.Few readersRefund Timeline
Refunds are credited back to the account used for the transaction. Please allow 3-5 business days for the funds to appear in your account.Few readers